Google Pixel Phone Service Center in Pune
Google Pixel Phone Service Center in Pune, Maharashtra – Address, Contact Number are listed below. If you have any problem with your Google Pixel Phone, kindly contact the service centers officials. There is 1 Google Pixel authorized mobile service center in Pune.
List of Google Pixel Service Centers in Pune:
Google Pixel service center in Pune
Service centre name: F1 – Pune
Address: A K D Plaza, J I, 1st Floor, Opp. Vijay -Mahal Society, near Mira Society, Salisbury Park, Pune, Maharashtra – 411037
Mobile number: 7410068255 / 7410068256 / 7410068257
Timings: Monday to Saturday 10:00 AM- 07:30 PM, Sunday & National Holiday – Closed
Supported Product Types: Google Pixel Phones
My Google pixel charger is not working, charging is not done .charger is under warranty.and I have a replacement on warranty claim.
my unlimited storage is turns into 15 gb Pixel 4a
Battery drain immediate, pixel 3
reason might be that not charging it correctly. Many times, if you don’t use the original charger provided by the company, it impacts your phone’s battery and hence decreases your phone’s battery life.
my phone has stopped working suddenly and not turning on. Where can i contact google support as there is no form or replacement request form provided by google on any location in india
is there Pixel xl original battery available in any service center